Mobile notifications

Deliver ultra relevant messages to keep your app users active.
What are mobile push notifications?
Mobile push notifications are messages that pop up on mobile device screens. Simple text notifications look like SMS text messages, but only reach users who have installed your application. However, push notifications offer rich engagement, entertainment and retention features leading to outstanding conversion rates.
Utilize push notifications for mobile app communication
Mobile apps tend to lose their users without proper engagement. Pushwize SDKs allow you to reach, activate and retain your audience by delivering personalized messages at the right time.
Convince your users to join the conversation
Notification sending requires user permission, but the majority is open to give consent if attractive features are empowered by push. Avoid spamming your users with too frequent notifications, otherwise they are likely to withdraw their decision!
Create valueable discussions which users appreciate
Enhance notifications with exciting content including images, GIFs, videos or emojis and make sure they are displayed exactly when they should be. Precise segmentation options, such as location or behavior-based targeting will help you with the right addressing.
Learn the language your audience talks
Compare engagement rates of notifications on the Pushwize dashboard to improve your efforts. Get more users respond to your notifications, keep a wider audience active in your community!
Send notifications and see your
business grow.

News & Updates

Notify your audience whenever important information is available for them, such as daily news within their interest or changes in your services.

Transactional notifications

Define notification triggers in your business processes to keep users up to date about your services. Successful payments, shipped packages, due invoices may carry sensitive information, make sure to use notification encryption to protect your users.

Conversion drivers

Help customers to find their desired product using their browsing activity or remind them not to leave any item in their shopping cart. Send a personalized reminder on the right time to have them complete the purchase.


Inform your customers about new features, hot opportunities, closing discounts or upcoming events right on their mobile devices. Reward their response with a small gift once the notification is tapped.

User activity

Empower social apps with notifications to exponentially grow the number of interactions after someone sends a message, posts new content or interacts with other individuals, communities.

Contact our experts if you have questions here.